In this chapter of “Iterpro behind the stage”, Iterpro visited AC Milan and met their directors Maurizio Bonomi Information Technology Officer, Angelo Carbone Academy Director, and Elisabet Spina, Women Football Director.
We talked about how AC Milan implemented a system of intelligence cross-department over the years and how the technological innovation enhanced their information sharing, workflow and decision-making process both on and off the pitch. We went through the challenges that the football giant had to face to go through a constant innovation process and how the entire organization embraced this information-driven approach.
Angelo Carbone, talked about the benefits of having a centralised platform through which coordinating the staff members’ daily work and how important it is to track the players’ performance from a young age.
Elisabet Spina, provided us with great insights into how the technology is used on daily basis with the women’s team and which impact has on the girls’ performance. Then she focused on leveraging players’ data to prevent injuries and using this precious information for international academic research.
Maurizio Bonomi, explained to us the value of connecting several departments and their directorship across the organization. Finally, he told us how crucial is for a successful digitalisation process to pass through the company culture and the people involved in this transition.